Toys, food, and cages



At STAR, all of our birds are fostered by families and individuals.  Hosting the birds in people’s homes allows them to receive the social interaction they desperately need and provides them with a watchful eye over diet, the ability to  be trained, and more.


Occasionally, birds come into the rescue without a proper cage.  Sometimes their cages are too small or in rough condition.  Often they lack perches and toys necessary to parrot happiness.  When we do not receive a donated cage with a bird, we purchase or use other cleaned, donated cages for them.


Parrots LOVE shredding and destroying things.  Toys for birds can be extremely expensive.  We’re blessed that generous donations from volunteers, the community, local pet stores and more allow us to share toys with our fosters for their birds.


Your donation for toys, food, and cages helps ensure that each of our birds has the proper size home, a variety of toys and perches and the necessary food for a healthy diet.

Have a cage, toys or food you want to donate?  Contact us below!